Dr. Don Edgar is one of Australia's best-known authorities on social trends as they affect families, communities and the workplace. He was born in Hamilton, Victoria, educated at Warrnambool High School and won his way into university on teaching bursaries and scholarships.
Don studied at the University of Melbourne, gaining his BA, Dip. Ed. before becoming a secondary school teacher at Geelong High and then Macleod High. He was recruited to train teachers at the Secondary Teachers' College, University of Melbourne, and then moved his young family to Stanford University, California, where he completed a PhD in Educational Sociology. He was then appointed Professor & Research Associate at the University of Chicago, returning to Monash University Sociology Department in 1969. He moved to La Trobe where he became Reader in Sociology.
After 8 years at La Trobe, Dr. Don Edgar was appointed Foundation Director of the Australian Institute of Family Studies, a federal statutory research body set up under the Family Law Act to study factors affecting marital and family stability in Australia. Under his leadership, the AIFS became one of the Australia's pre-eminent research institutes, influencing many policies in the areas of family law, social security, work-family programs, youth and family support services, child protection, child poverty, child care, aging and the work-family balance.
He was Director of the AIFS for 14 years (1980-93). He was a member of the Victorian Status of Women Committee which drafted the first Equal Opportunity Legislation, chaired the Schools Commission's 'Country Education Project', was a member of the Australian National Commission for UNESCO, Secretary of the International Sociological Association's Family Research Committee, and a member of the General Council of the International Union of Family Organisations.
Since 1993, Don has been Professorial Fellow at Monash University's Key Centre in Industrial Relations and Adjunct Professor with RMIT's Centre for Workplace Culture Change, advising companies on work-life programs, better linkages with community services and the schools. He now consults privately and is a public lecturer and occasional writer for The Australian, and The Age. He has been a member of UNESCO's Social Science Advisory Committee, the Victorian Premier's Committee on Strategic Partnerships Between Government and the Community Services Sector, the External Reference Group to the Victorian Premier on Community-Building, and of the Lend Lease Advisory Committee on the Victoria Harbor development at Docklands. He is currently a member of the Victorian Children's Council.
Qualifications: B.A. (1956), Dip. Ed. (1957), B.Ed. (1962) University of Melbourne
M.Ed. (1966) University of Melbourne
PhD (1969) Stanford University, California
Major Interests:
- Family policy and research on family trends (Foundation Director of the Australian Institute of Family Studies, close involvement with federal and state family policy developments, Secretary/Treasurer of International Sociological Association's Committee on Family Research, Executive Member of Australia's IYF94 National Council)
- Balancing work and family responsibilities (AIFS research, the innovative New Links Workplace Project, corporate consultancies, book The Family-Friendly Front, 1995, book Get a Working Life in preparation)
- Men and changing sex roles (Status of Women Committee, AIFS research, book Men, Mateship, Marriage, 1997)
- Children and the importance of early childhood education (co-authored books Under 5 In Australia, 1973, Seen But Not Heard, 1988, Child Poverty, 1989, The New Child: In search of smarter grown-ups, 2008, and other publications)
- Community development and the central role of schools in countering family disadvantage (Chair, Schools Commission Country Education Project, Member Premier's External Reference Group on Community Building, Review of Adult Education in Victoria (The Edgar Report: Focus on Adults: Towards a Productive Learning Culture, 1987), Reports for Queensland Education on the impact of globalisation and social trends on the future of education (Options for Queensland Schooling, 2010), book The Patchwork Nation: Re-thinking government, Re-building community (2001)
- Community services in support of families and children (AIFS research and publications, report Promoting the Positive, 2000, Victorian Premier's Working Group on Strategic Partnerships Between Government and the Community Services Sector, Premier's Children's Advisory Committee, Victorian Children's Council
- Study of Australian society (teaching sociology, books, Australia and Her Northern Neighbours, 1962, Social Change in Australia, 1974, The Sociology of Australian Education, 1975, Introduction to Australian Society: A Sociological Perspective, 1980, The Patchwork Nation: Re-thinking government, Re-building community, 2001)
- Regional art galleries and their significance in community development (book Art for the Country in preparation)
Previous Employment:
- Adjunct Professor, Centre for Workplace Culture Change, RMIT
- Professorial Fellow, Key Centre for Industrial Relations, Monash University
- Foundation Director, Australian Institute of Family Studies
- Reader in Sociology, La Trobe University
- Senior Lecturer in Sociology, Monash University
- Assistant Professor & Research Associate, University of Chicago
- Research & Teaching Assistant, Stanford University, California
- Lecturer, Secondary Teachers' College, University of Melbourne
- Secondary School Teacher, Victoria, Australia
Current Position: Director, Don Edgar Consultancy, ESL Consultants Pty Ltd (ABN: 41 463 737 451)
Past Memberships:
Victorian Premier's Status of Women Committee, drafted first legislation for Equal Opportunity (1976)
Chair, Schools Commission Country Education Project (1976-1980)
Australia's National Commission for UNESCO (1978-85)
National Commission for UNESCO, Social Science Network
Secretary and Treasurer of International Sociological Association's Committee on Family Research (1982-1990)
International Sociology Association Family Policy Forum (1988-1995)
General Council, International Union of Family Organisations (1981-1993)
Australia's National Council for International Year of the Family (Executive
Member) (1994)
Queensland Premier's Strategic Leaders Workshop (2000)
Victorian Premier's Committee on Strategic Partnerships with the Community Services Sector (2000-2001)
Victorian Premier's External Reference Group on Community Building (2001-)
South Australian BusinessVision 2010 Committee, Regional New Links Work-Family Project (1998-2001)
Mutuality Business in the Community Group (1999-2001)
Premier's Children's Advisory Committee (2003-2004)
VCOSS Committee on Early Childhood (2004-5)
Current Memberships:
Victorian Children's Council (2006- )
Published Reports: (Since 1980 only listed)
The Victorian Country Education Project: Case Study on Education and Local Development, OECD Report, Paris, 1980
System-Produced Disadvantage - based on an ERDC-funded study of the Disadvantaged Schools Program, 1980
Possible Directions for an Australian Family Policy, Discussion Paper No. 1, Australian Institute of Family Studies, 1980
The Family and the Pre-School Child (with Gay Ochiltree), Discussion Paper No. 2, Australian Institute of Family Studies, 1980
The Family and the Pre-School Child (with Gay Ochiltree), Discussion Paper No. 4, Australian Institute of Family Studies, 1981, reprinted 1983
Family Change and Early Childhood Development (with Gay Ochiltree), Discussion Paper No. 6, Australian Institute of Family Studies, 1982
One-Parent Families and Educational Disadvantage (with Freya Headlam), Working Paper No. 4, Australian Institute of Family Studies, 1982
Children's Participation in Divorce (with Margaret Harrison), Discussion Paper No. 10, Australian Institute of Family Studies, 1983
Information Collection Under the Family Law Act: Melbourne Family Court Hearings (with others), Occasional Paper No. 5, Australian Institute of Family Studies, 1983
Australian Children and Their Families: A New and Challenging View, Australian Children's Television Foundation, 1985
Marriage, the Family and the Family Law Act, Discussion Paper No. 13, Australian Institute of Family Studies, 1986
Adults in Focus: Towards a Productive Learning Culture, Victorian Ministry of Education, (Ministerial Review of Adult & Further Education in Victoria), 1983
Connecting Family, Workplace and Community Resources, Monash, 1994
New Links EAPs: Using Every Resource, Monash, 1994
Corporate Federalism, Localism and the Role of the Centre in Corporate Culture Change, Monash, 1994
Evaluating Work-Family Programs, (with G. Russell & B. Holmes) Commonwealth Work & Family Unit, Canberra, 1997
Promoting the Positive: Family-Community Resourcing as a Model for Family Services, Deakin Human Services, 1999; republished by Children's Welfare Association of Victoria, Inc., 2001
Social Trends and Their Impact on Queensland Education, Queensland Education Ministry, 1999
Options for Schooling: Queensland 2010, Queensland Education Ministry, 1999
Joining the Dots, A New Vision for Victoria's Children (with others), 2004
Book Chapters: (Since 1980 only listed)
'Social class differences and the structure of education', in Hiller, P. (ed.), Class and Inequality in Australia: Sociological Perspectives and Research, Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich, 1980
'Community participation in education', in Browne, R.K. & L.E. Foster (eds.), Sociology of Education: Australia and New Zealand Studies, Macmillan, 1982
'Families in Australia: social and demographic characteristics', in Vimpani, G. & T. Perry (eds.), Community Child Health, An Australian Perspective, Churchill Livingstone, 1988
'Family trends in Australia', in Western, J. et al (eds.), Australian Society, Allen & Unwin, 1988
'Family change', in Majmain, J.M. & J.S. Western (eds.), A Sociology of Australian Society, Introductory Readings, Macmillan, 1988
'The cost of not caring for our children', in Hughes, P. (ed.), Quality in Education, Ashton Scholastic, 1988
'Family disruption and violence', in First Report Upon the Inquiry Into Strategies to Deal With the Issue of Community Violence, Government Printer, Melbourne, 1988
'Prevalence and Overview', in Proceedings of the International Congress on Alcohol, Other Drugs and the Family, Alcohol & Drugs Foundation, NSW, 1989
'The social cost of poverty', in Edgar, D. et al, Child Poverty, Allen & Unwin, 1989
'The cost of children', in Edgar, D. et al, Child Poverty, Allen & Unwin, 1989
'The social reconstruction of marriage and parenthood in Australia', in Quah, S. (ed.), The Family as an Asset: An International Perspective on Marriage, Parenthood and Social Policy, Times Academic Press, Singapore
'The social ecology of family violence', in Chappell, D. et al, Community Violence in Australia, Australian Institute of Criminology, 1990
'Family policies in Australia', in Dumon, W. (ed.), Family Policies in Non-European Countries, Sage, 1991
'Families and the social reconstruction of marriage and parenthood in Australia', in Batten, R., W. Weeks & J. Wilson (eds.), Issues Facing Australian Families: Human Services Respond, Longman Cheshire, 1991
'The ecology of community violence', in Chappell, D., D. Grabosky & H. Strang (eds.), Australian Violence: Contemporary Perspectives, Australian Institute of Criminology, 1991
'Building co-operative human excellence', in Dugan, M. (ed.), Furious Agreement, Penguin Books & Australian Institute of Management, 1991
'Constructing social care: the Australian dilemma', in Close, P. (ed.), The State and Caring, Macmillan, 1992
'The changing ecology of Australian childhood', in Lambert, B. (ed.), Changing Faces: The Early Childhood Profession in Australia, Australian Early Childhood Association, 1992
'The Australian family as an expression of modernity', in de Singly, F. & Commaille, J., 1997, The European Family, Kluwer Academic Publishers
'Developing the New Links Workplace: The future of family, work, and community relationships', in Dreman, S. (ed.) (1997), The Family on the Threshold of the 21st Century, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
'Families as the crucible of competence in a changing social ecology', in Frydenberg, E. (ed.), 1999, Learning to Cope, Oxford University Press
'Organisational change and gender equity: an Australian case study', with G. Russell, in Haas, l., Hwang, P. & Russell, G. (eds.), 2000, Organisational Change and Gender Equity: International Perspectives on Fathers and Mothers at the Workplace, Sage
'Global perspectives on family change', forthcoming in The Blackwell Companion to Sociology of the Family, edited by J.L. Scott, J.K. Trea & M. Richards
Journal Articles & Papers in Proceedings: (Since 1980 only)
'The university as failed critic', La Trobe University Record, April, 1980
'Developing arts resources in rural Australia', Australia Council, September, 1980
'Possible directions for an Australian family policy', Australian Journal of Sex, Marriage and the Family, November. 1980
'A new task for parents', Australian Journal of Early Childhood Education, May, 1981
'Implications of changes in population trends for non-work activities and services', Proceedings on AASA-DIEA Conference on Implications of Australian Population Trends, 1982
'The way I see it: Re-thinking education's sacred cows', The Educational Magazine, Vol. 41, No. 4, 1984
'Emerging changes in family life and their effects on the health of society', Transactions, Menzies Foundation, Vol. 9, 1985
'Getting the family act together - children, competence and family process', Australian Journal of Educational Research, November, 1985
'Poverty and its impact on educational life chances: Family-produced or system-produced disadvantage?', Focus on the Future, June, 1985; reprinted in Staff Development Journal, Vol. 12, No. 111, July, 1985; Catholic School Studies, October, 1985; Educational Administration Review, Vol. 4, No. 2, Spring, 1986; Links, Queensland Education, 1986; Primary Education, University of Queensland, Issues 1 & 2, 1986; Australian Journal of Early Childhood, Vol. 11, No. 3, 1986.
'Commonwealth family policy at odds in new family support program', Australian Society, November, 1985
'The family - Senate report points the right way', Australian Society, November, 1985
'Educating the whole family', Primary Education, Vol. 17, No. 2, March, 1986
'Family background and the transition to school', Catholic School Studies, October, 1986; Education News, Vol. 17, No. 4, 1986
'Peace and the individual in today's world', Australian Association of Early Childhood Educators Newsletter, No. 23, 1986
'Institute of Family Studies and TAFE', Australian Journal of TAFE Research and Development, Vol. 1, No. 2, 1986
'Fighting for survival of a statutory authority: the case of the Institute of Family Studies', Australian Journal of Public Administration, Vol. XLV, No. 3, September, 1986
'The family in between: the hidden factor in employer/employee relations', Business Council of Australia Journal, Vol. 30, January, 1987
'The policy importance of family research: the Australian experience and New Zealand implications', Proceedings of the SSRFC Symposium, New Zealand Families in the Eighties and Nineties, Canterbury University, 1987
'Parent, child and youth interactions', Proceedings of the ISA-CFR Seminar XXII on Family and Young people, Friesing, Munich, June, 1988
'Volunteerism and the changing patterns of women's lives', St. Mark's Review, No. 133, March, 1988
'The new family: Now you see it, now you don't', Proceedings, Integrating Children with Disabilities Into Child Care Services, Uniting Church, November, 1988
'Strengthening families in the 1990s', Early Child Development and Care, Vol. 52, 1989
'Family problems: the cost-benefits of prevention', Early Talk, Feb/March, 1990; CSO Connections, August, 1990
'Measuring poverty in quality of life', Policy Issues Forum, VCOSS, June, 1990
'Work system damages positive family change', in Maxwell, G., I. Hassall & J. Robertson (eds.), Toward a Child and Family Policy for New Zealand, Proceedings, Office of the Commissioner for Children, New Zealand, November, 1990
'Tackling workforce barriers: overseas sole parents provisions', in Gourlay, M. & M. Meggitt (eds.), Paid Work: Is it a Luxury Sole Parents Can't Afford? Proceedings, Conference on Workforce Barriers Facing Sole Parents, VCOSS, 1991
'How the Baby Boom backfired', The Bulletin, January 29-February 5, 1991
'Sharing the task of country education', Learning Tracks, Issue 1, Summer, 1991
'Defining the social costs of poverty', Migration Action, Vol. XIII, No. 3, November, 1991
'The development of competence', VPAA Newsletter, February, 1992
'Sharing the caring: rethinking current policies', Office of Women's Interests, WA, April, 1992; reprinted in Family Matters, No. 31, April, 1992
'The importance of family background and early experiences on premarital cohabitation and marital dissolution', Proceedings, ISA-CFR/ISSP Conference on Family Formation and Dissolution: Perspectives From East and West, Taiwan, May, 1992
'Feeding the fires of competence', Education Quarterly, No. 6, June, 1992
'The changing social context of childhood', Education Quarterly, No. 7, August, 1992
'Conceptualising family life and family policies', paper prepared for IYF Secretariat, Vienna; also published in Family Matters, No. 32, August, 1992
'Reconstructing family realities', Revival of Ageing Societies, Proceedings of the International Population Conference, Espoo, Finland, September, 1992
'The new family: breaking out of the mould', National Family Summit Report, Capricorn Publishing, 1993; reprinted in Significant Speeches, Autumn, 1993
'Family and intimacy: family careers and the reconstruction of private life', International Journal of Social Science, 139, Feb. 1994
'Cross-gender communication', Proceedings, First National Family Court Conference, Sydney, July, 1993
'Joint parenting systems: a critical assessment from the child's point of view', Proceedings, First World Congress on Family Law and Children's Rights, Sydney, July, 1993
'The certainty of uncertainty': Let's aim for equity and live with that', Proceedings, 7th National Family Law Conference, Canberra, October, 1996
Edgar, D., 'Calling for the absent male', Family Physician, Vol. 29, August, 1999
Edgar, D., 'The future of work and family', in Australian Bulletin of Labour, Vol. 25, No. 2, 1999, National Institute of Labour Studies, Inc., Adelaide.
'We need a culture shift', Local Government Manager, Feb/March 2002, p. 12
'Family Impact Statement', on WorkChoices, the Proposed New Industrial Relations Regime, for Unions NSW, November 2005
A polemic in search of evidence (or 'Sanctifying the work of motherhood'), reply to Anne Manne, Australian Quarterly Review, July, 2008.
Recent Conference Keynotes
'The impact of workplace change on the nature of community', Urban Local Government Association National Conference, Rockhampton, May, 1998
'Reclaiming care for men: work and family futures', Commonwealth Attorney-General's Dept. National Men's Forum, Canberra, June, 1998
'Re-tribalising community: the challenge of globalisation and local regeneration', Widening Gap Summit, People Together, June, 1998
'Voluntary and paid work in communities for the third millennium', National Conference of Volunteering Australia, Canberra, Sept. 1998
'Future work-family links and the new community library', Australian Library and Information Association National Conference, Canberra, October 1998
'Thick and thin relationships in the new millennium', Relationships Australia 50th Anniversary Conference, Sydney, November 1998
'New families, new workplaces, new communities - Looking to the future', Rotary International Conference, Warrnambool, March 1999
'An aging future and social policy implications', National ACOTA (Australian Council of the Aged) Conference, Canberra, March 1999
'The business of men', Monash Administrative Staff Association Conference, Monash University, March 1999
'Facing a challenging future', Graduation Address, Griffith University, Brisbane, April 1999
'Marketing yourself in the new workplace', Keynote address to Australian Association of Career Counselling Conference, Sydney, April 1999
'Managing the work-life balance', Southern Family Life Conference for Business Support, Sandringham, April 1999
'Emotional skills in the workplace of the future', Schools Leadership for Boys' Education Conference, Newcastle, May 1999
'Work-family policies and program implementation', Fairleigh Leadership Program, Shepparton, May 1999
'Educational leadership for boys', ACT Education Conference, Canberra, August 1999
'The caring corporation', VicHealth Workplace Annual Symposium, 'Creating Corporate Citizenship', Melbourne, September 1999
'Directions for education and the new role of the school principal', ACT Principals' Association Conference, Canberra, September 1999
'Linking schools, communities and family support services', Catholic Education Office of Victoria Conference, Melbourne, October 1999
'Older adults in the workplace of the new millennium', Keynote address to Council of the Aging National Congress, 'Older Australians: A Working Future?' Adelaide, November 1999
'Rethinking the structures of schooling', Queensland Education Administrators' Forum, Brisbane, November 1999
'Changing times for schools', Queensland Education Conference, Brisbane, March 2000
'Managing diversity in the public sector', Western Australian Govt. CEO's Diversity Group, June 2000
'The balancing act: juggling work, family and community issues', Western Australian Children's and Family Unit Conference, June 2000
'Emancipation without emasculation: finding a new male voice', Conference of the Women's Policy Office, Perth, June 2000
'Managing the work-family balance', Office of the Employer Advocate Workshop, Melbourne, June 2000
'Strategic change and social trends', WA Dept. of Premier & Cabinet Management Group, June 2000
'Future family structures and their implications for family law', National Family Law Conference, Sydney, July 2000
'Globalisation and its implications for the public sector', Senior Leadership Team, Victorian Department of Education, Employment & Training, Melbourne University Graduate School of Business, September 2000
'The Hunter-Gatherers of the global age: public sector as employer of choice', Public Service Commissioners' Conference, Perth, October, 2000
'The changing face of childhood', Queen Elizabeth Centre, Melbourne, October, 2000
'Children and the media', Disney International Conference on the Media, Melbourne, October 2000
'Social trends and the future of schooling', Primary Principals' Conference, Sydney, November 2000
'The big picture on aging', Australian Association of Gerontology, Brisbane, November 2000
'A working old age', National Conference, Council of the Aged, Gold Coast, November 2000
'Men and the changing face of relationships', NGALA 'Hey Dad' Conference, Perth, February 2001
'Lessons from the International Work-Life Summit, London', Work & Family Conference, Sydney, April 2001
'Summing up the work-family debate', Conference on Children's Views of Work-Family Problems, Sydney, May 2001
'Challenging the conventions of work-family programs', Australian Human Resources Institute International Conference, Melbourne, May 2001
'Strategic Partnerships and Community-Building in Adult Education',
Adult & Further Education Conference, Rosebud, June 2001
'Our new elders are a different breed', Sir Keith Wilson Oration for 2001, Australian Association of Gerontology, Hahndorf, June 2001
'Spillover and Splashback: sorting out the work-family debate', MARENC Conference, Melbourne, September 2001
'How government can help rebuild community', VCOSS Congress, Melbourne, October, 2001
'Community engagement', QCOSS Fair Queensland project, Brisbane, October, 2001
'Changing the face of public sector employment: A new face for the global age', SA Conference on the Public Sector, December, 2001
'Communities, families and the 21st Century', NSW State Library Seminar, January, 2002
'Developing a supportive community context for healthy child development', Fabian Society Symposium on Early Childhood Development, Melbourne, March, 2002
'National identity in the Patchwork Nation', Governors of the Reserve Bank, Sydney, March, 2002
'Future of the family', CEDA Futures Seminars, Melbourne, March, 2002
'More responsive local government', Whittlesea Shire Council, March, 2002
'Learning Cities, Learning Regions', Geelong Learning City Seminar, Geelong, March, 2002
'New approaches to local government', Boroondara Management Seminar, Aitken Hill, April, 2002
'The future of community-building', VATE Conference, Melbourne, July, 2002
'The school principal as emotional leader', Northern Metropolitan Region Principals' Conference, Geelong, July, 2002
'A skeptical look at work-family progress', Managing Work & Family Conference, Melbourne, August, 2002
'Resilient schools, resilient communities', Victorian Primary Principals' Conference, Melbourne, August, 2002
'Managing diversity', Office of Schools, Melbourne, September. 2002
'Values in Australian society', Anglicare Conference, Brisbane, September, 2002
'Never too old to work', Knox Shire Council and Victorian Office of Ageing Seminar, Knox, September, 2002
'Strengthening communities through children's services', Department of Human Services Conference on Early Childhood, Monash, October, 2002
'The Secret Garden: Valuing Children in the Community', Vernon Collins Memorial Lecture, Children's Hospital, Melbourne, October, 2002
'Emotional competence is a man's business', Deakin University Geelong Forum, October, 2002
'Early childhood and the community', Keynote Address for 'Early Childhood Matters Conference', Department of Human Services, Monash University, 5 October, 2002.
'Globalisation and regional governance', Australian Local Government Association Annual Conference, Alice Springs, November, 2002
'Why fear an ageing population? They are the future', Dorothy Pash Memorial Lecture, COTA, Adelaide, November, 2002
'Ballarat as a learning city', Ballarat University Town & Gown Lecture, 20 May, 2003
'Boroondara and the Banyan Tree', Boroondara Council Planning Workshop, 3 April, 2003
'Meaningful participation - how to give the community a 'voice', Department for Community Development, Perth, June, 2003
'Children in a Changing World: Helping children thrive in the 21st century', Ross Trust Seminar, !5 March, 2004
'National policy needed on maternal & child health', Maternal & Child Health Nurses Conference, 29 April, 2005
'Embedding a workplace culture of ethics and care', Nursing Federation Conference, Melbourne, 6 May, 2005
'AIFS and the Work-Family Roundabout', AIFS 25th Anniversary Conference, Melbourne, 2005
'International volunteering: a no-risk approach to career transition.', with
Dimity Fifer, International Conference on Work Transitions, Melbourne, October 2005
'Family, workplace and community: a new challenge for government', International Rotary Conference, Perth, July 2006
'Challenging the Conventions of Work-Family Programs', Australian Home Economics Conference, 11 January, 2007
'Thirty Years of Country Education Innovation', CEP Annual Conference, August, 2007, Melbourne
Major AIFS Studies Developed and Overseen, 1980-1993 (www.aifs.gov.au)
a. Family Trends Longitudinal Family Formation Project
Children in Families Study
Ethnic Family Values Project
Becoming Adult Study
Australian Living Standards Study
b. Family Law The Cost of Children Update Study
Economic Consequences of Marriage Breakdown Study
Child Support Scheme Evaluation
Family Law Statistics Project
Marriage Counseling Evaluation Study
c. Family Policy Family Support Networks Study
Australian Families Income Transfer Model
Victorian Housing Loan Scheme Evaluation
Child Poverty Study
Homeless Families Study
(all studies, especially Family Law studies)
Diary of Social Legislation and Policy
Bi-annual Australian Family Research Conferences
d. Work & Family Maternity Leave Study
Dependent Care Leave Study
Employer Responses Study
Small Business Study
Australian Defence Force Families Census
ADF Families Mobility and Dislocation Study
New Links Workplace Project
e. Children & Youth The Cost of Children (annually updated)
Impact of Divorce on Children and Adolescents
Young People Leaving Home in Australia
Needs of Unsupported, Homeless Youth
Children in Australian Families: The Growth of Competence
Parents and children After Divorce Study
School and Family Study
Child Poverty Study
Early Child Care Contexts Study
f. Publications Family Matters - newsletter distributed nationally and overseas - every quarter for 14 years
Family Studies Education Exchange
FAMILY Database - every Australian family publication
Discussion Paper Series
Working Paper Series
Occasional Paper Series
AFIT Bulletin Series
Diary of Social Legislation and Policy Series
Books - external publishers and AIFS published
f. Annual Reports Australian Family Research
g. Conference
XXth International CFR Seminar on Social Change and Family Policies, Proceedings, 1984, held in Melbourne